Knife Courses
We’re getting lots of requests for knife-making courses at the moment. There’s a number of blacksmiths and bladesmiths out there delivering these courses, and I’m sure they are all really good. But it’s not something we offer, because I’m increasingly concerned at the level of knife crime in the UK. There’s no excuse for carrying a blade in public. The skills required to make a knife blade are quite specific and intense, but they don’t cover the whole range of blacksmithing skills, so we prefer to make items on our courses where you will learn more techniques and go home with a beautiful, decorative and personalised item. No high horse, no campaign, it’s just not for us.
2025 courses underway
We already have two courses under our belts in 2025. Where has the time gone? We started the courses slightly earlier in the year in response to demand from those who had received vouchers at Christmas and wanted to cash them in ASAP. Here’s some of those keen individuals who make it such a special place to work and teach.
New for 2025 - a Tea Room!
At last, somewhere we can keep clean and away from that dirty, dirty forge! We have a mini kitchen, seating area, coat racks and a library, as well as a view into the forge for any guests who come along. It’s a useful chill-out zone too, when that tricky reverse twist goes all wrong!
Award winners!
30th November 2024
So excited that we won the Hampshire Business Award 2024 for Commitment to Education, Training and Skills! It’s a category which is very close to our hearts. We enjoy sharing our love of blacksmithing with new people, and keeping the craft alive in this way. It’s a real honour as a small craft-based company to have been selected by a panel of successful business folk like the generous sponsors Gulfstream and other major concerns. We’re keen to extend our Teambuilding days to other companies in the area and hope that this award will help that goal.
The Mattingley Blacksmith
A Halloween Story from Our Forge
31st October 2024
In our local village of Mattingley, Hampshire, tales of the past still whisper through the quiet lanes. Among them is the legend of a blacksmith named Old Brock, who had forged not only iron but also a reputation for his fierce temper and unparalleled skill.
Brock’s forge stood at the edge of the village, its glow illuminating the dark woods that surrounded it. The villagers kept their distance, wary of his quick temper which had led to him being barred from the local inn many years before. He was unwelcome, too, in the village shop and even at the church, where his surly manners had upset many parishioners.
One winter's night, a desperate traveller sought refuge in Brock's forge, drawn there by the hope of warmth and a meal. But Brock, in a foul mood, threw him out. The traveller cursed him under his breath, a curse that echoed through the frosty air.
Days later, Brock was found dead in his forge, a heart attack had claimed him as he hammered late into the night. The villagers buried him in the local churchyard, but soon after tales of strange and unusual events began to surface. As the moon waxed and waned, whispers of Brock’s ghost began to spread. They spoke of a shadowy figure seen at dusk, hammering away in the old forge, the clang of metal ringing eerily through the darkness.
One stormy night, a large group of villagers, made brave by an evening spent at the inn, dared each other to approach the forge. Armed with lanterns, they crept closer, the air thick with anticipation. As they entered the fiery forge they suddenly felt the temperature plummet. There, in the flickering light, stood Brock, his eyes glowing like molten metal and his spectral figure bent over the anvil, hammering away with an intensity that sent chills down their spines.
The first man called out, “Brock! We mean you no harm!” The hammering stopped, and the ghost turned, revealing eyes filled with sorrow and rage. “You cowards! You rejected me, just as I cast out that traveller!” His voice resonated, echoing through the forge.
Suddenly the fire roared in the hearth, and the ghostly figure began to fade. In that moment, Brock’s sorrow and fury turned to understanding. He whispered, “May he forgive me!” before vanishing into the shadows. The horseshoe he had been working on fell clattering on the cobbled floor and the fire was quenched.
From that night on, the forge lay silent, and slowly fell into ruin. The villagers spoke of Brock with a mix of reverence and fear, and the tale of the dead blacksmith became a cautionary reminder: kindness is the strongest forge of all. If you visit the village inn today you will find that very horseshoe, nailed up above the bar… for luck.
A Grand Day Out
October 2024
Dan and Ian at the WCB awards dinner, October 2024
This month we enjoyed a trip to London, where Dan Parker, Assistant Blacksmith at Parmenter Forge, was clothed in the livery of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths at the Michaelmas Court at Painters’ Hall, London.
Dan, who has worked alongside Ian after training with him at Warwickshire College in 2003, was introduced to the committee before being ceremonially ‘clothed’ and welcomed to the company. Now that we are both liverymen, we’re hoping to use our influence in the WCB to further our passion for education, both of the public and the next generation of smiths, with a view to keeping the craft alive and relevant.
Blacksmithing Courses for 2025
At Parmenter Forge we are freezing our prices for the second year running. We’re fed up with hearing how everyone’s costs have increased and they are having to pass this on to customers. We know! It happens to us too. But someone has to take a stand. 2025 course dates are now available on our site, and we believe these are now the best value one-day blacksmithing courses in the UK!
We are also re-organising the forge to make teaching the priority. We are still creating bespoke metalwork for customers, but courses are our joy and our focus. We’re confident our purpose-built teaching facility will be the most enjoyable classroom you will ever see.
Announcing… Poppy Course 2024
We are gearing up for our 2024 Poppy Courses, and delighted that we are featured in the August edition of Soldier Magazine! Don’t forget to sign up for a Poppy Day at
New Teambuilding Days
We’re introducing a midweek, one-day hands-on blacksmithing workshop designed specifically for corporate teams. Build stronger teamwork, unleash creativity, develop resilience and have some fun along the way!
First course of 2023!
New year, new premises, new course! Our excellent trainee blacksmiths impressed us with their Valentine’s Day creations.
Five Go On A Blacksmithing Course
Our largest course so far this year has just completed, and once again they have amazed us with what they’ve been able to make in just a few hours! Our thanks again to all our students who make it such a joy to teach this special craft.
Too hot to handle…
Almost nothing stops a Parmenter Forge course! Unfortunately, we’ve decided to postpone our sixth course of the season this weekend as it’s just too hot in the forge in this weather to ensure a safe and enjoyable course. See you on the next one!
Mum and daughter in baptism of fire!
We’ve just finished the lastest Introduction to Blacksmithing Course, with mum and daughter Beverley and Natalie each completing a magnificent toasting fork. Neither had ever tried blacksmithing before, but both did a great job in the forge today. “Thanks you for an amazing day! It was such good fun”
A Special Day for Rob
This weekend we ran a bespoke course for Rob, on the occasion of his 60th birthday! There’s nothing like taking it easy on your big day!!
Full house for our second course of 2022
More willing learners joined us for our second course, and amazed us once again with their creativity and dedication.
First course for 2022….
Introduction to Blacksmithing Course - first one of 2022!
Four gallant attendees brought along their enthusiasm and willingness to learn, and succeeded admirably!
We were here…. where were you??? Join us on our next course!
Forge hoods re-designed
As part of the re-fit for the start of our 2022 courses, we’ve created double hoods to extract smoke and fumes from the fires. Here’s the first, and it’s creating an excellent draw before we even switch on the extractors!
First double hood installed
Courses re-start for 2022!
It’s been a tricky year for all of us, and though the day-to-day forgework has been busier than ever, the school took a back seat in 2021 as we all struggled with the pandemic.
But we’re pleased to announce that Parmenter Forge’s blacksmithing school is re-starting in March 2022. We have an all-new Introduction to Blacksmithing course planned and scheduled, plus an exciting option for us to come to your group event in our innovative mobile school
Booking is already open, and places are going fast, with five of our days already fully booked!
The all-new mobile blacksmithing school
Working with the Artist Blacksmith
Working with the Artist Blacksmith
How to Get the Perfect Creation
The term artist blacksmith is used to describe a smith who produces decorative and artistic forms by forging and manipulating steel under heat. An artist blacksmith is not only a competent smith working to very high standards but is also a designer capable of conversing and working alongside architects and interior designers, as well as builders and other artisan tradesmen.
An artist blacksmith has an extensive knowledge of metals and how and where to use them to gain the best working strength, finish and artistic appeal. A blacksmith may work in a number of different metals, including wrought iron, steel, stainless steel, bronze, brass and copper. It is not unusual for an artist blacksmith to specialize in one particular metal.
When considering commissioning of an artistic piece of ironwork, whether a functional piece such a gate, railing or balcony, or a purely decorative piece such as a sculpture, it is important to enlist the expertise of an artist blacksmith in the infancy of the project. This not only ensures ample time to agree a design, but also enough time to build the project and fit to schedule.
The working and manipulation of metal by hand is a labour-intensive job producing beautiful artistic and decorative forms unobtainable by casting or fabricating. An artist blacksmith, as with all artists, is passionate about both the tradition and re-generation of the creative process - a passion which results in the investment of their character and personality in producing each commission.
A skilled artist blacksmith will know how to design for the material. With a true instinct for metals, the smith’s involvement in the design process is essential. No matter how complex or challenging that design, the passionate artist blacksmith will find ways to overcome difficult requirements, ensuring that the final product meets and exceeds the expectations of the client.